About Us

Jim Logan
Logan was CEO and Founder of MicroTouch Systems, which he took public in 1992 and sold to 3M for $200M in 2000. He also founded Gotuit Media (sold to Tivo) and Personal Audio, a patent company that has successfully monetized some of his 40+ patents. He has a BA from Hamilton College and an MBA from Dartmouth.

Dr. John Apostolos
Chief Scientist
Dr. Apostolos has over 45 years of experience at BAE Systems (formerly Sanders and Lockheed) and is the inventor of the Meander Line technology, the basis of StarCross inc. He has a PhD in Physics from UNH, is an inventor in the Electronic Warfare Hall of Fame, and holds over 130 patents.

Bob Senior
VP, Business Development
Senior was VP of Worldwide Sales for MicroTouch Systems. Later he held CEO, and VP Sales positions in several public and startup companies. He has been a board director at FlatFrog Laboratories, digitalvision Ltd, and Trunk Images. He has a BE in Physics from Exeter University in England.

Walt Grischuk
Director of Global Supply Chain
Grischuk has 30 years of manufacturing experience, predominantly in Materials and Program Management. He co-founded Ora Technology in 2002, and previously was VP at CTI Technology, a multi-national EMS. He is a graduate of Boston College and authored: “Supply Chain Brutalization, the Handbook for Contract Manufacturing.